Emergency Gas


Tactical Sling


Emergency Gas” is a term we are hearing more often. What does it mean? I’ve talked with many agencies and there are many different definitions of “Emergency Gas”.  Probably the best definition I have seen based upon many conversations with different agencies is; The immediate deployment of your non-lethal chemical agents or other law enforcement resources to life‐threatening situations where the delay in such deployment could result in death and/or great bodily harm to your team mates or other persons.

Each agency has a unique way of defining “Emergency Gas” and implementing their version. “Emergency Gas” by its name means you use it in an emergency. When you have team members moving up on a target and they encounter a suspect shooting at them from within the building non-lethal chemical agents can be helpful in distracting the suspect from his target and allowing for your teammates or others to seek cover. Hence, “Emergency Gas” is deployed to distract the suspect.

To make “Emergency Gas” a viable tactic all your personnel need to be outfitted with a non-lethal chemical agent and a quick way to deploy it. You must have a plan and train that plan. Always plan for the worst and hope for the best. This “Emergency Gas” tactic should be outside of the gas plan for the target. It should be a standard tactic that you can use during any deployment.


The primary objective of “Emergency Gas” is to distract a shooter and give your team mates time to seek appropriate cover. Since the agent may drive the shooter out your perimeter teams must be prepared to prevent escape and to take the suspect into custody.

Some items that you must consider when developing this tactic are:

In summary, this is a tactic that most teams should have in their tool kit. But to make it a viable tactic you need to have the right equipment and train.



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CMC GasRam


CMC BurnSafe